Hi Everyone, I have followed a video from this site to create a scrollable table. When I try changing between the different sort by options I get "#VALUE!". I have attached a copy of the sheet and have attempted to explain the issues in more detail on the first tab
and what ideally I need the sheet to do! Any help is massively appreciated.
Change the CHOOSE part of the formula to CHOOSE(OrderBy,1,-1) and it shall work.
Hi Riny,
Thanks for the help! Really appreciate it, do you know if there is way to make to table being referenced in the scrollable update automatically as the main table updates?
What do you have in mind? Change something in the EXTRACT table or add a row with relevant data and the scrollable view updates automatically. Am I missing something?
The report tab will have entries constantly added to it which will be inserted to the table as new lines, the extract tab currently has to be manually extended to include the new entries but ideally as they're added I'd like the extract tab to automatically update meaning the scrollable view is always up to date. Hope that makes sense?
Oh, but then you should your approach. No need for the intermediate EXTRACT table, provided you are using a modern Excel version, using CHOOSECOLS and indicate you want the 1st, 8th, 9th, 15th and 16th columns from the WIP table.
See attached.