Since deleting the unused add-ins, I have encountered no problems saving the file. Your help is much appreciated.
I deleted unused add-ins and retained only one. Since it's sporadic, I'll see if this issue reappears again and let you know. Thanks for your help! ...
Thanks! I think the issue here was putting the protection code on two lines. This did the trick: ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="EIS 2017", AllowSor...
Yes, that'd work quite well, and it's simple, too. But I'll have 75 of these reports, and I'd rather have a more automated solution. Dynamic ranges wo...
Hi Mynda, I can see that using dynamic ranges would be useful here. As you add data to the range, the range changes automatically to pick it up. Bu...
Mynda, I was wrong--the reply you sent provided the key. I had four tables to append. I created a Connection Only for each of them, and then chose Com...
Hi Mynda, Normally, that approach would work well. But in this case, I created an External Connection Only through Power Query and then created a P...
This is interesting. If I add a lot of text it displays as one long line. What if want to have text wrap?
I experimented with this approach, attached. You can't hyperlink an image (that I know of) but you can hyperlink a cell with a ScreenTip. The hyperlin...
Just to display a text popup for informational purposes. The alternative is to use Data Validation, just using the Input Message tab. The user clicks ...